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Visit:7659   Share: 2018-9-7
Cherish the natural resources care beautiful land, kelin environmental protection and you work together
  Information Guide : Cherish natural resources and protect our beautiful land -- tell our earth story well

Sunday, April 22,2018[ i.e. Year of the Dog, March 7,2018], we will have the 49th World Earth Day. It exists to raise public awareness of existing environmental problems, to mobilize people to participate in the environmental movement, and to improve the overall environment of the earth through green low-carbon life. According to the theme of this year's activities set by the Ministry of Land and Resources, and along with Ke Lin environmental protection to talk about the story of the earth itself.






      * Water saving.

      * Brownout.

      * Denial of disposable supplies.

      * Classification of domestic waste.

      *Care for animals.



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